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  4. Ad Hoc View – Dual Measure Tree Map

Ad Hoc View – Dual Measure Tree Map

Dual Measure Tree Map charts display data as colour-coded rectangles; the size of each rectangle is proportional to the first measure and the colour represents the second measure. Charts allow you to graphically display your data. There are a number of different chart types available in various ways. Range charts display values as heat maps.


Step 1.  Open or create a new ad hoc view (refer to the Creating Ad Hoc Views article for further information) Step 2. Click on the Select Visualisation Type icon in the top menu
Visualisation Type Icon
The Select Visualisation Type window is displayed
Step 3. Select Range from the Chart Types list There are 5 Range charts available: Each chart type displays your data in slightly different ways. Heat Maps display individual values as colours. Step 4. Click on Dual Measure Tree Map The Dual-Measure tree map chart displays data as colour coded rectangles. The size of the rectangle is proportional to the first measure and the colour represents the second measure. Step 5. Click and drag 2 measures from the measures area on the left hand side pane to the column area. e.g. Count of Clients, Income Amount Add Measures
Tip: All charts must have at least one measure.

Dual-Measure Tree map charts require 2 measures in the columns area and one field in the rows area.
Step 6. Click and Drag a field to the columns area e.g. Primary Address City. Fields and Measures This allows the measure data to be broken up by the field information. Dual Measure Tree Map The measures are displayed against the selected field. The Size of the rectangle indicates the first measure (count of clients) and the colour represents the 2nd measure (income amount).

Further Information

For further information on Ad Hoc Views and Charts, refer to the following articles:
Updated on April 30, 2020

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