Using the Knowledge Base

This Knowledge Base has been created to help you find answers to questions that arise while using your Community BI solution.


Articles are grouped into the following categories:


Getting Started

Articles to help you get up and running with the Community BI system.  These include logging on, accessing saved items in the library and/or repository and creating new items.


Ad Hoc Views

Articles which explain how Ad Hoc Views work, and how to create them. Ad Hoc views are the basis of all analysis and are required for reports and dashboards. Ad Hoc Views can be saved to the Repository for future use of yourself and other system users if required.


Ad Hoc Views – Charts

Articles which demonstrate how to create charts with Ad Hoc Views. Ad Hoc Views can be created to display data as tables, crosstabs or charts. This category concentrates on the various types of charts and how to create them.



Articles which explain how to use the Repository. The Repository contains all the saved Ad Hoc Views, Reports and Dashboards created for your system. The Repository stores items in a folder structure for ease of navigation.



Articles which demonstrate how to create reports from Ad Hoc Views. Reports are created from a single Ad Hoc view and can be filtered against required criteria, as well as being saved and exported to external parties.



Articles which demonstrate how to create dashboards from Ad Hoc Views and reports. Dashboards are created from multiple Ad Hoc Views, Reports, and other dashlets when required. Dashboards can be filtered, saved and exported to external parties.



Articles which explain how to schedule reports or dashboards to run automatically and notify you. Scheduling allows you to set up reports or dashboards to automatically run at a given time and date. The Scheduling system can notify you when the report or dashboard has been created in the system and send you an attachment if preferred.



Articles which contain video tutorials or overviews. There are a number of articles which contain tutorial videos so you can see how to use the system.



Articles which cover basic administration of the system. This includes resetting your password and contacting support for more assistance.


Frequently Asked Questions 

Articles which answer those questions asked most frequently about the system.


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